Mar 10, 2011

The Big W

I’m sure that the name ‘Charlie Sheen’ couldn’t be brought up in a room without a rush of people jumping at the opportunity to scream quotes from clips of his most recent interview with 20/20. Sheen, after being fired from the hit show Two and a Half Men, has hit rock bottom. Sheen is reportedly a self-destructive drug addict who has finally snapped. Professionals strongly urge Sheen to seek professional treatment. In an interview with 20/20, when a reporter brought all these raw facts to Sheen’s attention. His response was, “I’m Winning”. 

For about a week, the only thing the media has emphasized was Charlie Sheen. His face was painted all over the internet, newspapers, magazines, and television. His clips on youtube have gone viral. So, I’m left to think: Though Charlie Sheen’s career is at an all time high while is life is at an all time low, could Sheen actually be winning? This whole immediate fame has the potential to blow over as quick as David’s did a few weeks after he left the dentist. In this crazy day and age, though, I wouldn’t put it past anyone to make it big. So, I’m not going to jump to the conclusion and say that Sheen’s fame is short lived. Not for now, at least.  

Well, I can tell you one thing, when Sheen says that he is winning, he isn’t very far from the truth. He’s winning all over the media. The Headlines are as follows:  1. Unemployment Numbers Hit New Highs. 2. Hell Continues to Break Loose in the Middle East. 3. Our Country is Still at War. 4. Charlie Sheen Gone Insane. Given the choice, most of us are reading that headline about Charlie Sheen. People can’t look away. Charlie is taking over our news and he is winning our attention. His crash of 2011 is stealing public interest from pressing issues. If we could get Americans to find half the enthusiasm they have while reading about Sheen, we would have a more aware America.

I’m not sure how long this winning streak will last, but I think it’s safe to say in one sense, Charlie Sheen is in fact winning.