Feb 16, 2011

Truth is

As an aspiring journalist, shouldn’t I be absolutely thrilled with an assignment like this? Truth is, I’m not quite sure i’ve ever been thrilled with the idea of any writing project. So, then, why am I in the field of journalism? With this thought, I pose a great question for myself. 

How could anyone possibly know which direction they want to go with their lives at a time of such transition? Most of my friends went into college knowing what they want to do. My close group of friends include a future speech pathologist, teacher, and nurse. So I wonder: are these girls confident in their decisions, or are they only confidently heading in that direction, fooling the confused and tentative minds into thinking we are behind schedule?  For a girl who can’t stand when her bedroom walls are the same color for too long, deciding on a major that would determine her future is a scary thing. The only thing I truly know about myself is that I love playing soccer… oh, and I love the beach. 
I came into the University of Rhode Island with the idea of becoming a Landscape Architect, a field that would be a compromising balance of my both my creativity and interest in science. Before I even entered school as a freshman, I had changed my mind. I decided that, ‘Maggie MacDonald, Marine Biologist’ had a better ring to it. Marine Biology wasn’t at all what I expected, because Marine Biology had a counterpart named Chemistry, and I have a mind that just isn’t wired for Chemistry. Onward to journalism, and I’m still as confused as the aspiring landscape architect was. Currently, I’m harvesting the idea of becoming an “Underwater Photographer, who is also a journalist.” I’ll keep you posted how long that idea sticks. 

As I wait patiently for some spark of inspiration or direction, I’ll write on. Sitting here, though, I can’t help but feel a bit jealous of those who knew they were going to become a dentist’s assistant, speech pathologist, or personal trainer from age seven.

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